St Gregory'sCatholic Primary School
Working and Learning together with Jesus as one family
Attendance at school during term time is a legal requirement. Where a child is absent, parents must inform the school by completing the Leave of Absence form on your Operoo Account (this can be found in your form library). If a child is absent without authorisation, parents will be contacted by the school office. A letter may also be sent requesting information about the reason for the absence.
There is no entitlement to leave of absence during term time. In the case of an exceptional circumstance for term-time absence, parents are required to complete a Leave of Absence Form available above. Permission must be obtained from the Headteacher, in advance, for term-time leave of absence. Further details, including issue of fines by the Local Authority are included on the form.
School gates are opened and supervised from 8.40am. Children go straight to class for early morning learning activities. Registers are taken promptly at 9am. School finishes at 3.15pm and parents are expected to collect their children punctually from the designated areas.