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St Gregory'sCatholic Primary School

Working and Learning together with Jesus as one family

SEND provision

St Gregory’s is an inclusive learning community. Find out more about how we meet the needs of pupils with Special Education Needs and/or Disability by viewing our SEND Policy and SEND Information report. Our Inclusion Lead, Ms H Bunting can be contacted by telephoning 020 8997 7550 or emailing


What to do if your child needs extra support

How to help your child get ready for school

Where can I go for help if i am worried about my child's communication?

How can I support my Autistic child?

How will speech and language therapy help my child?

The SEND Local offer website is for children, young people and families living with Special Education Needs and/or Disability. It details everything you need to know about local services including:


  • Family support
  • Childcare and short breaks
  • Education, Health Care (EHC) Plans
  • Health & Wellbeing and specific conditions
  • Support in Education
  • Travel assistance
  • Money and benefits



Ealing Speech and Language team have a facebook page and Youtube Channel featuring an advice line and a range of content including:
• Hints and tips adults can use to support speech and language development
• Information about free workshops and training sessions about a range of topics
• Weekly ‘storytime and rhyme online’ sessions – posted on the page every Wednesday at 10am
• Makaton signs 
• Information about activities available in Ealing borough and national campaigns to promote speech and language development


Ealing Parenting service offers a range of online courses and workshops, tackling all sorts of issues for children of all ages; offering advice and guidance and effective, proven strategies for parents to better manage their relationship with their children and to support their children during any challenges they may have. Parents can self-refer to workshops. 


You can find useful information about the Ealing Educational Psychology Service including an FAQ section of some questions that both parents and children might have when the EPS is involved and a parent's corner with helpful links and resources for things such as bereavement, learning, autism etc.


Do you need some emotional support? Ealing MENCAP is a free service for people with learning or other disabilities (including autism) and their families.


Family Fund Grants offers support to families on low incomes raising disabled or seriously ill children. Families can apply for grants to pay for items including computers and tablets, outdoor play equipment, sensory toys, clothing and kitchen appliances  
