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St Gregory'sCatholic Primary School

Working and Learning together with Jesus as one family


P.E at St. Gregory's 

At St. Gregory’s we believe that regular, active participation in physical activity is essential to pupil wellbeing and health. We follow a broad and balanced curriculum which fulfils the requirements of the National Curriculum and ensures that every pupil is able to develop a wide range of sporting skills.


Through physical education we teach and develop physical competence, an appreciation of skilled and creative performances, understanding of basic principles of ‘fair play’ and development of inter personal skills. Through sport and other physical activities our children learn about their responsibilities both as individuals and members of groups and teams. They learn to cooperate and to compete fairly, understanding their own and others’ roles.


Our provision :

• Provide each year group with at least 2 hours of exciting, fun and active P.E. lessons each week.

• Ensures that every child moving on to secondary school can swim 25m and has basic water skills.
• Develops the fitness of every pupil, by ensuring a good pace in lessons and incorporating fitness activities into physical education lessons as appropriate.
• Develops programmes that meet the needs of all the children, providing equal opportunities.
• Makes allowances for children with disabilities and medical conditions, taking into account children with special needs,
• Involves the community where possible - e.g. Sports Day, clubs, intra/ inter-school matches, outside coaching personnel and resources.

In addition to the school’s broad curricular provision, we also offer a range of After School Clubs including Netball, Football, Hockey, Gymnastics, Cricket, Tennis and Basketball.

Our pupils regularly compete in a range of Borough competitions, sports festivals and local cluster fixtures taking place at regular intervals during the appropriate season.
