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St Gregory'sCatholic Primary School

Working and Learning together with Jesus as one family

Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching (CST) is rooted in Scripture and formed by the wisdom of Church leaders. It is our moral compass which helps guide us on how to live out our faith in the world. CST calls us as a school to work for the common good, help build a just society, uphold the dignity of human life and work for the justice and dignity of all of our brothers and sisters. 


We, as God's family, are called to love our neighbours, especially our global neighbours living in poverty. Following in the footsteps of Christ, we hope to make present in our unjust and broken world, the justice, love and peace of God. 

Catholic Social Teaching in 3 minutes | CAFOD

The principles of Catholic Social Teaching are embedded in our school curriculum and Catholic Life.


Human Dignity

Each and every pupil is valued as a unique person, made in the image and likeness of God. Pupils learn about and show respect to one another. Our school values inclusion and our behaviour policy sets out the proactive strategies that all staff use to encourage positive behaviour and support each pupil to meet their full potential. Tolerance is promoted through continual learning about other faiths and cultures and charity fundraising (including CAFOD, Catholic Children's Society, Acton Homeless Concern and others) gives pupils the opportunity to make a difference to lives of disadvantaged people in the local, national and global community. 


Common Good

We work together, looking beyond our own personal interests, towards building a better future for all. Our RE Ambassadors, Sports Council and House Captains make an exemplary contribution to the school community through their work in supporting younger pupils in classroom and on the playground, promoting stewardship, collecting house points, promoting fundraising events and charitable actions. Pupils are recognised for their personal efforts in contributing to the common good, through house points and certificates. 



We recognise that we are part of one human family and we each have a responsibility to help each person achieve their full potential. Pupils connect with other children from schools in the local area to participate in extra curricular activities including sporting events, curriculum competitions, music and choir performances and Collective Worship. We fundraise for local, national and global charities and recognise the need in our own school community and work closely with our PTA to provide uniforms, books, toys and financial support to families in need. 


Dignity of Workers

Work is more than simply being able to earn money. It is about being able to support yourself and your family. It is about finding something you’re good at and feeling important. We believe that everyone deserves to find a job they enjoy. We promote staff wellbeing and all adults set an example of mutual respect through their words and actions. Through our work, we help others to grow closer to God. 



We recognise and respond to the call to be an active part of our community. God didn’t make us to live by ourselves. We’re meant to interact with others. The relationships we have help us learn about ourselves and others. Therefore, God wants us to get involved with those around us; supporting one another and helping build a better world for all. Ours is a supportive and vibrant school community with many opportunities for pupils, parents and staff to get involved. 


Option for the poor

We think carefully about people living in poverty and how our choices and actions impact the most vulnerable. We support charities in the local community and consider ways to support families in need. Pupils learn about the disproportionate effect of climate change on vulnerable communities and the economic impact of global warming on poorer nations. 


Stewardship of Creation 

The Earth is God’s gift and all species have a rightful place in it. Humans share this habitat with other creatures and have a special duty as stewards and trustees of the Earth. We take a special pride in our school environment and we treasure the outdoor spaces that are available to us. Our Gardening and Litter Picking Clubs ensure that the school environment is able to be enjoyed by all and our policies reflect careful consideration of material resources. 




Caritas Ambassadors 

Through the Caritas Ambassadors program, pupils learn about how to put Catholic Social Teaching into action



Francis from Caritas Westminster met with our RE Ambassadors to introduce the Caritas Ambassadors program. Pupils were introduced to the origins of Catholic Social Teaching and discussed the 7 principles. Here is what they had to say...


'I believe we should love our neighbour because we should treat others the way we want to be treated. That's the golden rule' - Lily H


'Jesus said, 'Love your neighbour' and it was the Good Samaritan in the end who showed love. This shows that we can love others, even people who have different beliefs or backgrounds to us. We can do this by showing tolerance and respect to everyone' - Philip S


'If everyone cared about everyone, there would be no conflict in the world. We should learn from the mistakes of the past and use the opportunity that God has given to make the world better for the future' - David G 




Catholic Children Society Lent Appeal 

During Lent, we have been collecting donations for the Catholic Children’s Society. Our donations have now been counted and we are proud to say that we have raised a total of £569.26. Catholic Children Society will use these funds to help families in need all over England. They provide money for things like:

  • Clothes, toys and warm blankets

  • Paying for bills like Electricity and food

  • School trips, clubs and days out for children who cannot afford them

Peace in Ukraine 


We marked one year since the invasion of Ukraine by holding a special mass in solidarity of our Ukrainian bothers and sisters. Children wore blue and yellow and we raised £349.51 for the Ukraine Humanitarian Fund. Each child brought in a rock from home to include in our Peace Garden - a dedicated space to reflect on the important of peace and Justice in our world. The PTA held a coffee morning for parents to celebrate our Ukrainian families. 




Prince and Denis - Y6

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Danyil - Y4

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Harvest Food Drive - Emmaus House Acton Homeless Concern 


With the help of our RE ambassadors, we collected donations to support local charity Emmaus House, Acton Homeless Concern. Donations of canned foods and non-perishables were gratefully received by volunteers Ian and Terry. 



