St Gregory'sCatholic Primary School
Working and Learning together with Jesus as one family
Children currently in year 6 are due to transfer from primary to high school (year 7) in September 2025.
Applications must be made directly to the council that you are living in at the time of application, regardless of the borough which the school is in. The deadline for applying for high school is 31 October 2024. Applications received after this date are late and will not be considered until after national offer day.
The national offer day for on time applicants is 3 March 2025. If you apply online you will receive an email in the evening on 3 March confirming the school that has been offered.
Click the link below for more information
Schools admissions service contact information
Perceval House
14-16 Uxbridge Road
W5 2HL
Telephone: 020 8825 5511 (Opening hours: 9am to midday)
High and primary admissions
In year admissions