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St Gregory'sCatholic Primary School

Working and Learning together with Jesus as one family

Social Media

Please click on the icons below to follow our social media channels


Twitter, Instagram and Facebook

At St. Gregory's we use these platforms to update our school community with news that explores the exciting events that take place in our school every week.

Whether we are sharing information about pupils who are representing our community in Parliament or simply sharing examples of extraordinary pieces of work, these platforms give you access to the wonderful learning and achievements taking place at our school. 





On our YouTube channel we share a range of videos that highlight a range of school events. You can view our video newsletters, get an insight into trips that our pupils enjoy as well as view videos that showcase the wide range of sporting competitions that we take part in. These are just a few examples of the videos posted regularly. 





At St. Gregory's we believe it is important for our pupils to share their thoughts. As a result we have created our own podcast. Here pupils share what they have been learning in class, discuss their school experiences and share work such as poetry. 

