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St Gregory'sCatholic Primary School

Working and Learning together with Jesus as one family

School hours

School gates are opened and supervised from 8.40am. Gates close at 9am.

Children go directly to class for early morning learning activities.


Registers are taken promptly at 9am.

Pupils who are not in class for registration are marked as ‘late’.

Pupils arriving in school after 9am must report to the School Office before proceeding to class. Breakfast Club Providers will ensure that pupils in their club are dismissed and/or accompanied from the club for punctual arrival in class.


School finishes at 3.15pm. In Key Stages 1 + 2, teachers lead classes into the playground for collection by an authorised adult. Parents/carers are expected to collect their children punctually from the designated areas.


Reception pupils wait in class and are dismissed individually upon arrival of authorised adult.

Where pupils are attending an After School Club, they will be collected by the club providers.

In cases of parent/carer delayed arrival, the office must be notified. Pupils who have not been collected will be supervised in the school foyer for a short period of time. Where the school has received no information about parent/carer delay, pupils will be directed to the After-School Club and parents will be charged accordingly. In case of prolonged delay and no contact, the school is required to alert Local Authority Social Services.

For Nursery Beginning + End of Session Procedures, please refer to the Nursery Handbook.