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St Gregory'sCatholic Primary School

Working and Learning together with Jesus as one family


At St. Gregory’s Catholic Primary School we provide all children with homework to enable them to practise skills and learning they have already developed in school. Sometimes the aim is to repeat something done in class as a practice exercise. At other times, the homework will ask children to apply their learning to a new context. At all times, however, children will not be given work to complete at home that they have not learned in school unless it is a project which asks them to find out about something new. For example; to investigate and complete their own project on the Romans. Children will also be set online activities in the learning zone section of our school website as appropriate.


Every child from Nursery to Year 6 has a homework book. Some activities should be completed directly into the homework book, others will be completed on work sheets. The class teacher will direct accordingly when work is set each week. Please support your child by purchasing them a glue stick and ensuring that your child sticks any worksheets into their homework book each week.

We aim to provide opportunities for parents/carers to work alongside their child to support their learning in school. In addition to the each year group homework overview below, we have also provided links with further curriculum information and tips on how you can support your child at home.
