Are you looking for a school place? Our school tours have started. Book your place through our Admissions Tab. Alternatively, please contact our friendly office team for more information.

St Gregory'sCatholic Primary School

Working and Learning together with Jesus as one family

School Meals

Families on Income Support may be eligible for Free School Meals and need to make an application to Perceval House, Uxbridge Road, Ealing W2 2HL to receive these. Forms and further information may be sought from the school office.


If preferred children may bring a packed lunch to school. Children with packed lunches are not allowed to have sweets or chocolate in their lunch, nor bring cans or fizzy drinks to school.


We cannot accept responsibility for food lost, damaged or mislaid. However, a school meal will be provided and a charge made.


Should you have any further questions, please contact our online ordering support team by emailing or calling us on 01924 792334.

