Are you looking for a Reception place for September 2024? There are limited spaces available. Please contact our friendly office team for more information.

St Gregory'sCatholic Primary School

Working and Learning together with Jesus as one family



We've delved into the life of Handa in Africa, contrasting it with life in Ealing. Our learning journey included discovering the concept of a 'Continent.' Exploring the weather, we sorted clothing based on different weather conditions and enjoyed a delightful Winter Day. We ventured outdoors, identifying signs of winter, and had great fun finding lots of ice. We learnt about the need to look after our local wildlife in winter and crafted bird feeders with lard, breadcrumbs, and porridge. Our artistic endeavours included various projects, with the messy snowman topping our favourites. Inside the classroom, we explored ice models and even experienced an indoor snowstorm. Stay warm in this chilly weather!


In our phonics sessions, we've been steadily advancing, growing more confident in our understanding of digraphs, trigraphs and blending to read words. Reception, your dedication is commendable – keep up the excellent work!
