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St Gregory'sCatholic Primary School

Working and Learning together with Jesus as one family

Year 5

In English, Year 5 pupils are learning the features that are required for a non-chronological report, such as using subject-specific vocabulary, formal language, plus effective use of conjunctions, linking sentences and sophisticated punctuation. They are very excited to be writing about an animal of their choice for their next portfolio piece of work. In Maths, we continue our work with fractions - currently working on addition and subtraction questions with mixed numbers. Pupils are about to begin their new Geography topic - Rivers - where they will discover why rivers are important to people and the environment. On Thursday this week, 5HD presented an out-of-this-world assembly taking us across the learning achieved and learning to come in Year 5. Well done, 5HD pupils, for your entertaining and informative assembly! Next Thursday (25th January, 9.00am), it’s the turn of 5JS to lead their assembly. All parents are most welcome.
